my boss Craig is getting knee surgery and wont be at work for a few more weeks my other boss told me today. today it was my first day back from the new year. please pray for my boss Craig.
Prayers: 1512Requests: 7
February 1, 2016 at 10:50 am
Chris from Virginia
Prayers: 19Requests: 5
February 1, 2016 at 12:27 pm
Thank you Father for hearing our prayers.
Prayers: 16Requests: 6
February 2, 2016 at 1:51 am
thanks jtylerk 9 and cyousik . i will let you know how he is doing when i find out when i am at work.
Prayers: 47Requests: 1
February 3, 2016 at 1:50 pm
Prayers for healing for your boss and for Christ to always be present in your workplace. May God bless you as you bless others.